When you are faced with a murder or suicide, it is best you hire an experienced restoration company to remove the waste and rid the odor of human decomposition. Albuquerque Crime Scene Clean is here to help your family in this traumatic time. Once the scene has been investigated by crime scene detectives, then it is released to be cleaned up by a professional crime scene cleanup company in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Coroner only picks up the deceased and then leaves the blood and bodily fluids behind for clean up and restoration by companies in the industry. Usually, the family or business owners are responsible for getting it cleaned and payment. In many cases, the homeowners or commercial insurance will cover the total cost of cleaning up a crime scene, suicide, unattended death, medical accident, or natural death. This may leave a small deductible for the homeowner to pay out of pocket. Insurance deductibles usually are 1-2% of the property value. When we start cleaning, we will keep you updated on the personal property we come across in the room where the incident took place.
Blood and bodily fluids can be challenging to remove from flooring in the home or business. If blood runs through the carpet and into the hardwood flooring, you must cut out the contaminated section with a circular saw, cutting all the bodily fluids out and ready for disposal. Next, you need to cover the hole so you won’t have someone fall into the hole and get severely hurt. Some flooring experts recommend removing the base molding and unsnapping and numbering every plank until you get to the biohazard portion out. That works if the damaged plank is close to the wall and easy to remove. But, if the damaged plank is more than a couple of rows from the wall, it’s actually much faster to just cut it out and dispose of.
Let the insurance company cover the cost of crime scene cleanup services in your home or commercial property. They should cover the repairs as well.
We remove blood from:
- Concrete
- Flooring
- Carpet
- Walls
- Ceiling
- Tile
- Laminate flooring
- Hardwood flooring
- Automobiles
- Motorhomes
- Kitchens
- Bathrooms
- Bedrooms
- Garages
Albuquerque Crime Scene Clean Up
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